SKU: 1407 Category:

Lettmann Blade 4 (VCS Aramid)

19.490,00 kr.

Lettmann’s Blade 4 er den fjerde generation af Lettmann’s flagskib gennem årtier. Den er manøvredygtig, hurtig og stærk kajak. 



Special conditions for ordering boats:
The price is EXW which means excluding shipping cost from the factory to the enduser.

Our webshop can not calculate the shipping cost automatically. You will get an offer for freight and expected delivery time a couple of days after we receive your order.
Kayaks and Pitch equipment are charged 50% when ordering.
Before delivery we charge the remaining 50% plus the agreed freight.

We do not stock kayaks. The kayak is produced especially for you and according to your specifications.
The Purchase Act’s right of return therefore does not apply to the purchase of kayaks from us.


Lettmann’s Blade 4 er den fjerde generation af Lettmann’s flagskib gennem årtier. Den er manøvredygtig, hurtig og stærk kajak.

Modsat mange andre kajakker, så monterer Lettmann sædet fra fabrikken. Fodspark er ikke monteret, men hvis I opgiver spillerens højde, så monterer fabrikken fodsparket mod en merpris på 290 kr.


Blade 4 fås i Small, Medium og Large

  • Small passer til spillere i vægtklassen 60-70kg
  • Medium passer til spillere i vægtklassen 65-80kg
  • Large passer til spillere i vægtklassen 75-90kg



Lettmann tilbyder mange forskellige farver som kan findes på Lettmann’s egen hjemmeside. Her i kajakpoloshop forhandler vi primært kajak enten uden farve (0,2-0,3 kg lettere) eller i farverne sort, hvid eller rød. Vær opmærksom på at den røde farve er lidt mere lys end den signalrøde farve, der bruges på de danske landshold.
Er man interesseret i andre farver så tjek Lettmann-shop.de og find en farve der passer. Så bestiller vi efter dit ønske.



Blade 4 kan købes i 4 forskellige materiale lay-ups, herunder Diols-composite-System (DCS), Light composite system (LCS), Vacuum-composite-system (VCS) og Vacuum-composite-system Aramid (VCS Aramid). Vi sælger som udgangspunkt i VCS Aramid materialet. Men ønsker man enten DCS, LCS eller VCS materiale så skriv, så kan vi bestille denne kajak hjem.

Følgende er Lettmann’s egen forklaring på de forskellige materiale typer:


The Diols-Composite-System (DCS). The DCS construction is very robust material combination for an all-round use in the kayak industry, that has been developed over years. With this procedure we combine diols, glassfibre and sandwich materials with an isophthalic acid polyester-resin. This combination is known for its durability and high breaking resistance.


The Light-Composite-System (LCS) is a fully developed light-construction technology with a good durability. Combining carbon-, aramid-fibres and sandwich materials with a vinyl-resin it makes a light kayak – easy to carry and move. The light weight enables you to accelerate more easily, which makes it a great technology, especially for competitions and touring sports.


The Vacuum-Composite-System (VCS) is a high-end technology for super-light and robust kayaks. With our VCS-procedure all the needed fibre-materials like carbon, aramid, diols and sandwich materials are put into the mould dry. By triggering a vacuum the left-over air is drawn out of the material and out of the mould. Due to the negative pressure inside the mold the infiltration of the fibres and sandwich materials with epoxy resin high-strength is initiated. All VCS kayaks are tempered in an oven; thereby it increases the epoxy resin’s heat-deflection. That is why our vacuum procedure is different to all the other vacuum-wet-constructions. The advantages of our VCS procedure in comparison to the others are the homogenous resin contribution in all layers and a 30 to 40 % higher stability of the kayaks with a weight reduction of 5 to 10%. This elaborate system is the secret to our kayaks’ extreme stiffness and lightness. The competitive athlete therefore has the best performance the touring athlete is pleased by an extremely lightweight and impact resistant boat.

VCS aramid (only available for the polo kayaks)

The VCS aramid kayak is also vacuum built but only with aramid fabrics. This material is more flexible like the standard VCS boat and it is more durable. It´s the best material mix we can offer for our polo kayaks.


Vægten af kajakken er afhængig af hvilket materiale, du vælger din kajak skal være lavet af.

  • DCS kajakken vejer 13kg
  • LCS kajakken vejer 10,5 kg
  • VCS kajakken vejer 9,5 kg
  • VCS aramid kajakken vejer 9,5 kg
  • VCS aramid uden farve vejer ca. 9,3kg


Lettmann Blade 4 kommer med 2 forskellige valgmuligheder angående sæde.
Den ene mulighed er et plastiksæde med tilhørende pude som man spænder op i lænden. Samme system kender man fra wildwaterkajakker hvor der sidder en pude bagtil som man kan stramme op.
Den anden mulighed er et kulfiber sæde med integreret skum bagtil. Det er kulfiber sæder vi som udgangspunkt sælger, men øsnker man PE sædet så skriv en mail, så sørger vi for at kajakken bliver bestilt med PE sæde.



  • Kantbåndet er 30mm bredt hele vejen rundt.
  • Integreret bumpers foran og bagpå
  • 4 forskellige materiale lay-ups
  • Aluminium fodspark
  • Integreret knæ “padding”


Additional information

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 299 × 57,5 × 30 cm

Black, Hvid, No colour, Red


L, M, S


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Lettmann Blade 4
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